Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cuomo wants New York to have ‘most sophisticated homeland defense’ of any state

New York governor, Andrew Cuomo, is in Afghanistan for the fourth day now, and he has huge ambitions for New York State. Cuomo agrees that terrorists are becoming for articulate and advanced, and that New York needs to step up its security to remain a safe a standing state. Though it is reasonable to think that NYC, such a populated part of the state, should be more secure, Cuomo should stay out of foreign affair issues. NYS is Cuomo's designated area to which his elected position represents - nothing more. It seems unnecessary for a New York State Governor to go to Afghanistan when there is no direct threat to the state. Doesn't it look like Cuomo is really making progress with security? Just look at that smile! Nothing says "My goal is to have the most sophisticated homeland defense system ever designed by any state, period" more than taking a visit to Afghanistan for a week.


  1. I understand that foreign policy and supervising terrorism abroad and at home are important issues-if Andrew Cuomo were to run for President some day. What he needs to do is focus on reelection. While I do see where he is coming from with the idea of stepping up security for New York, I don't see any reason as to why he should step out of New York to do this other than to get a sense of what he would be up against-if he were reelected in the first place. Publicizing, advertising, and debating are what Cuomo must do in order to attend to immediate domestic issues as a Governor once again rather than possible international-domestic issues as a President.

  2. It does seem over excessive for Cuomo to go to Afghanistan especially since, as Stanley stated, he is running for re-election. Although the state's security against foreign terrorists is an important issue, Cuomo should focus on issues that are more close to home. What about the multiple occurrences of police brutality? Maybe Cuomo should focus on reforming the police force first.

  3. I'm actually pretty okay with Cuomo's visit to Afghanistan. Terrorism is a very real threat, especially to a densely populated hub such as New York. Understanding the threat posed is necessary in order to better protect oneself. While the duration trip could've been shorter, I feel as if it may have been helpful in increasing domestic security in our state.
